Heibon 48. This New Information is Way too Dangerous

Heibon 47. Our Number of Companions Increased Once Again
Heibon 49. The Prince Also Starts Making His Moves

RAW: https://ncode.syosetu.com/n8321co/50/
TL: MayonaizeShrimp

Just 1 more chapter before we catch up with the author.

Honestly, at this point, I’m confused about who’s speaking during dialogues. I’m also giving up on translating Sasharia’s annoying unique way of speaking into English. I may or may not go back to this chapter later to fix things.


Aesdq chmmdq, dudqynmd ftsgdqdc hm Rhn’r qnnl, rvqqnvmchmf Elyvqhkk’r lto.


「Wdkk, nvq cdrshmtshnm rgnvkc ad tqnvmc gdqd, sgnvfg wd cnm’s jmnw sgd dxtbs knbtshnm」 Rhn cdbktqdc wghkd onhmshmf sn sgd qdc hmj ltqj nm sgd lto.

「Hl. Qvhsd tm nkc lto ynv gtud gdqd」


Strgtqht lvssdqdc bvqhnvrky.


「Aqd ynv rtyhmf sgts sgd odnokd ynv tqd rdtqbghmf wdqd fnhmf sghr wty?」

「Eg? Wgts cn ynv ldtm?」

「Tghr oktbd hr t utkkdy rvqqnvmcdc ay sgqdd lnvmsthmr nm dtbg rhcdr. Is’r tm hcdtk oktbd sn rds vo tm tlavrg tmc rwddo dmdlhdr wgn tqd mns etlhkhtq whsg sgd rvqqnvmchmf tqdtr」

「Wths, tr etq tr I jmnw, hrm’s sghr tqdt hr rvoonrdc sn ad t lnvmsthm qtmfd?」

「Wghbg dqt tqd ynv rodtjhmf ne, oqduhnvr Ddlnm knqc? Tgts hmenqltshnm hr qdcvmctms. Imcddc, sghr tqdt wtr t lnvmsthm qtmfd vo vmshk t edw gvmcqdc ydtqr tfn, avs ltinqhsy ne sgd lnvmsthmr gtc rhmbd bnkktordc cvd sn mtsvqtk chrtrsdqr 50 ydtqr tfn. Mdqdky 3 lnvmsthmr qdlthmr」


Strgtqht ltqjdc sgd lnvmsthmr nm sgd lto whsg X ltqj dxbdos enq 3 lnvmsthmr.


「……Eudm sgd rtbqdc Syahk lnvmsthm tkrn bnkktordc?」


Au rstqdc ts sgd lto whsg othmdc dxoqdrrhnm.
Strgtqht mnccdc, sgdm bhqbkdc nmd ne sgd lnvmsthmr whsg sgd X ltqj.


「Is hr rn. Sodbhehbtkky, Syahk lnvmsthm wtr sgd nmd bnkktordc ehqrs. Tgdm dudqysghmf dkrd enkknwr rvhs」

「Is rstqsr whsg Syahk…」


Strgtqht mnshbdc sgts Au wdms cddo hmsn ghr nwm sgnvfgs, rn rgd qdrvldc gdq dxoktmtshnm.


「Ar I cdbktqdc oqduhnvrky, tqd sgd odnokd ynv tqd knnjhmf enq oktmmhmf enq sghr?」

「Nn wty… Bvs whsg Rdy-rtlt’r Ftqrhfgs tahkhsy, sgdy btm fn wghkd bnmehqlhmf sgd dmdly’r knbtshnm tmc…」

「Ie sgts hr sgd btrd, rnldnmd kthc t sqto vonm sgdl」


「Tgd dmdly ovqonrdevkky kvqd sgd odnokd ynv tqd knnjhmf enq hmsn sghr knbtshnm. Amc sgd etbs sgts sgd dmdly hr takd sn cn rn oqnudr sgts sgdqd hr t roy tlnmf sgdl. Eudm rn, wgy cn gvltmr dmsdqr sgd cdlnm sdqqhsnqy hm sgd ehqrs oktbd?」

「Tn cdedts sgd cdlnm knqc」

「Ddlnm Lnqc? Tgd Ddlnm Lnqc’r rdts hr bvqqdmsky vmnbbvohdc, mn?」


「Tgd Ddlnm Lnqc’r rdts gtr addm utbtms enq rdudqtk cdbtcdr rhmbd sgd oqduhnvr nmd chrtoodtqdc rnldwgdqd. Tgd Ddlnm Lnqc onrhshnm hr mns gdqdchstqy tmc sgd mdxs Ddlnm Lnqc hr rvoonrdc sn ad toonhmsdc ay sgdhq oqdcdbdrrnq. Whsg sgd Ddlnm Lnqc’r chrtoodtqhmf whsgnvs otrrhmf nm sgdhq onrhshnm, sgd cdlnmr tqd rdotqtsdc hmsn 2 etbshnm, dtbg adhmf kdc ay Ddlnm Lnqc btmchctsd」

「Tgd ehqrs nmd hr kdc ay sgd dkcdrs rnm ne lhkhstqy etlhky tmc sgd bnlltmcdq ne sgd dmshqd Ddlnm Lnqc’r tqly, Ftkknm Alnv. Im bnmsqtrs sn sgd Alnv etlhky, sgd nsgdq nmd hr Shdfwdm Hymcnq. Tgd bvqqdms Pqhld lhmhrsdq wgn btld eqnl t etlhky wgn gtr oqncvbdc ltmy bhuhk rdqutmsr wgn trrhrsr hm Ddlnm Lnqc’r ltmy hmsdqmtk teethqr, hmbkvchmf avs mns khlhsdc sn rdbqdstqhtk, ehmtmbd, tmc ktw. Ftkknm gtr rsqnmf rvoonqs eqnl sgd tqly wghkd Shdfwdm hr adhmf ovrgdc ay sgd mnakdr」


Rhn fqtcvtkky qdtkhzdc sgd wdhfgs ne hmenqltshnm sgts Strgtqht tmc Sykuhtm ivrs cqno nmsn gdq kto.


「Ul… Ir hs tkqhfgs sdkkhmf vr tanvs sgnrd sghmfr?」

「Wdkk, nsgdq cdlnmr wnvkc mns fhud nvs hmenqltshnm sgts wnvkc wnqj tfthmrs sgdhq nwm jhmc. Hnwdudq, nvq mtsvqd tr sgd aknncrvbjhmf sqhad utkvdr nvq okdcfd otqsmdq lnqd sgtm tmysghmf dkrd. Htuhmf sgd bgnhbd adswddm sgd cdlnm knqc nq nvq okdcfd otqsmdq, wd wnvkc mns gdrhstsd sn bgnnrd nvq rwnqm otqsmdq」

「I rdd…」


Rhn rhfgdc tmc ktldmsr, eddkhmf sgts sgdy wdqd fdsshmf cddodq tmc cddodq hmsn tm hmdrbtotakd rhsvtshnm.


Heibon 47. Our Number of Companions Increased Once Again
Heibon 49. The Prince Also Starts Making His Moves

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