Teapot Hero 10. A Moment of Peace

RAW: https://ncode.syosetu.com/n4023fn/10/
TL: MayonaizeShrimp

Heibon is almost caught up with the author and there’s nothing interesting happening in the story yet, so I’ll pick up another series.
Hello and welcome to new readers.
Please enjoy this MTL.

For desktop users: The night -mode button is on the right-screen side
For mobile users: The night-mode button is right after the comment section

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Heibon 46. And Their True Form were Revealed

RAW: https://ncode.syosetu.com/n8321co/48/
TL: MayonaizeShrimp

Chapter 47 is 98% translated but not edited
We’re officially 2 chapter away from catching up to the author (chapter 48)

Although, I’m considering waiting for more chapter to be released before posting chapter 47 because this chapter is such a nice one to stop. Nothing exciting is happening yet, so pausing translation here sounds like a really good idea. I will continue after there are more exciting things happen in the story.

Remember to check out the original page here and give traffic to the original author.

Also, if nothing annoying happens to me irl, I think I will consider picking up the teapot hero. I’m surprised nobody picked it up yet

Continue reading “Heibon 46. And Their True Form were Revealed”