RAW : http://ncode.syosetu.com/n6337cb/61/
Now I realized why no one is picking this WN.
This *beep* is hard to read
The battle intensifies, but not on the upper stream. It’s not the place where the two generals collide. It’s a little down the stream where Nikka and Gregor fought.
“Yosh!” said Gregor while making a pose.
The objectives are completed nicely.
“I got your back now”
Anzerm von Kruger moves. He came to take the pawn called Nikka, vice leader of the black mercenary group, who left the defense and focused on attacking Gregor’s army.
“No fucking way!”
Nikka, who was attacking Gregor aggresively, can’t help but left dumbstruck. Her destructive power should be enough to wipe Gregor’s army but she’s stuck with attrition battle so she focused entirely on attack. This created a gap for an ambush.
“Give it up, woman! This Gregor von Tundar have fought hard. But you are a woman, a mercenary. Therefore you are not even my opponent. Hahahaha!”
Ignoring Gregor, Nikka guides her soldiers away. Nikka is not stupid enough to fight in this condition. Her only goal is now: Escape.
“Do you think you can escape?”
Before her was Anzerm, who was blocking her escape route
“Tch…” Nikka clicked her tounge while looking at Volf’s position in the center.
“Shit.. I can’t pass”
The first one to notice the change in Nikka’s battlefield was Ywain, who was fighting at the upper stream. He had been surpassed by Gilbert’s army but he’s still holding control and maintaining his dominance.
Ywain cursed his captain from afar. There’s nothing he can do from his position, which is the furthest from Nikka. Nevertheless, nothing can be done about it. If Volf lose Nikka, who supported him from every aspect, Volf will not get away easily from Ywain’s wrath.
“You dare to look away. Don’t underestimate me, Lion!”
Gilbert’s sword swung vertically. Even though the attack was avoided, a line of blood was formed on Ywain’s cheek and eyelids.
“Tch.. I don’t have time to play with you!”
The two fought each other. No one can get close to them. In one-on-one fight there’s no one can match Gilbert but Gilbert was fighting on equal terms with Ywain.
(I don’t think I will lose here but I can’t imagine myself being able to kill him. As expected from von Osvalt household)
But Ywain was impatient. The whole situation is bad. He’s stuck fighting here while Nikka was in trouble. Volf was not in situation where he can move either. Today he was supposed to push the center and fight the White Mask. He can only hope for Nikka’s survival.
Meanwhile Volf immediately sense the whole incident in the battlefield. But he was in the middle of infiltrating the fort. If he realized it before he attacked, would he change his plan and rescue Nikka? Knowing Nikka, she wouldn’t want to be rescued before Volf claims victory at the fort.
Nikka is one of the closest person to Volf. A part of his past. The only one who knows his origin and his hardship. She is, without doubt, an important person to Volf.
But the ‘Wolves’ do not get ‘captured’. Even if Nikka is an important person to Volf, he has to prioritize the objective and claim victory. Volf hesitated. Should he follow his leader self who was the leader of “Black Wolf” and claim victory or his personal self and save Nikka?
“Maa~a whatever. I will attack and attack! Just you wait, White Mask! The Wolf will be there soon”
“Will he retreat? Hmm no… he’s getting closer and closer”
William watches Volf coming from afar by sweeping his soldiers from side to side. He didn’t show a shred of hesitation at all. Perhaps there was no a chance where Volf will go away at all. Even if Arcadia took Nikka from the game, there’s no major change in the battlefield.
“In terms of tactics, I am a bit inferior. Even my fighting capability is below him”
In many aspects, Volf was ahead from William. William have no tactic to overcome this situation.
“But still, I am going to win”
I have to remove some sentences because it sounds too weird and redundant
Yes only you have the guts to do it my friend and I thank you for that
Let’s see how long I can stand this WN.
Hopefully until August with weekly update
Even if it’s temporary I am glad you keep translating for now. Thanks for what you do my friend. And good luck.